Sunday, May 13, 2007

Martin Luther King Jr.

Why does the author feel that whites owe King the greatest debt? The author of the essay thinks that whites owe MLK the greatest debt because he allowed America to be "the land of the free" in peace. Before MLK and the Civil Rights movement, America couldn't truly say that it was the land of the free, when a huge part of its population were treated as inferior. After MLK came along, America could.
Was King "the right man at the right time"? MLK was the right man at the right time because how he spoke was ideally suited to bringing freedom to blacks. Being a minister, he was in touch with the black population spiritualy and he was part of the black church, the most powerful black institution. Also, MLK had amazing courage in the face of danger. Even when he and his family were threatened with bombs, torture, and death, he still kept with peace. He always fought for what's right.
Would King be upset with the current use of his most often quoted line? Why or why not? He would be because people are now using his quote in a way different from the way he ment it to be used. It is now being used in a completely selective version. MLK's sense of urgency has been filtered out.